Friday, 28 September 2018

Calendar Art

This term we were making our calendar art for 2019.      When you make calendar art you can have it in calendars and sketch pads. I like mine in a calendar.On mine I coloured in the patterns in red and blue then stuck the 2019 on top. 

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Tropics diorama

For the past few weeks our class has been making dioramas about any habitat they choose. I did my diorama on the tropics. As you can see mine has a dolphin and two turtles under the coconut tree beneath the hot sun.

Cultural Quiz

Last week was Cultural Week and our school had a quiz. Our school cultural leaders had 20 questions about some countries that we all had to answer. So we all got put into some random groups with country group names. I got put in the Russian group. It was fun having our group trying to figure out the questions we didn't know. I had a fun time doing the quiz and I enjoyed it.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Religious Education

Today in Religious Education we wrote some sentences like God is as loving as....
God is as forgiving as....Forgiveness is....Healing we all wrote it in our on opinions.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Art Cross

For the last few weeks our whole school has  been painting some crosses that are going to be displayed
on our school fences. As you can see on my cross i have a red rosemallow(hibiscus) and a cross to represent the catholic church and on the left I have seven stars to represent the seven years I've been here,on the top there is a dove to represent the Holy spirit.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Author Raymond Huber visit

Today in class we had an author come in and tell us about his books and his experience about being an author. His name is Raymond Huber,he has some wonderful and amazing books to be read. He told us some interesting facts about bees and their lives. It was fun having Raymond in to talk about his books.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Feather cloak

Today in Religious Education we made a feathers cloak . We each write a word that is important to us
and coloured it in then suck them all together and made a cool feather cloak (korowai).

Friday, 7 September 2018

Religious Education poster

Today in Religious Education I finished off my trust poster. We had to choose meaningful words that was important to us to make a little poster about. On my poster it has some people building the word "trust".On the sides it has three quotes about what trust can mean.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Information report on rhinoceros


What is a  Rhino? I think they’re the closest thing to a real-life unicorn. Let’s read information about these fat unicorns.

Rhinos are a type of herbivore, which means they’re plant eaters. They eat fruits, stems, twigs, grass and leaves. Herbivores are a full type of vegetarian so they won't eat any form of meat.

White rhinos and black rhinos live in grasslands  and floodplains of eastern and southern Africa. Greater one-horned rhinos can be found in the swamps and rainforests of northern India and southern Nepal. Sumatran and  Javan rhinos can be found in small areas of Malaysia and Indonesian swamps and rainforests.
White and Black rhinos have two horns, a big tall one at the front and a small behind it. Most of the types of rhinos are grey and brown. The biggest rhino is the White rhino which is 1.7-1.9m tall, and weighs 2,300 kgs.The smallest type of rhino is a Indian rhino which is 1.6-1.8m tall but are very bulky, and weighs 2,100kgs. Rhinos have big noses and black eyes. Don’t be fooled because it doesn’t look it but the Indian rhino is very fast. Their top speed is a 55 km/h, that's faster than Usain Bolt's fastest running record!

As you can see rhinos are very intelligent  and fun maybe not fun but I hope you have learnt something from my information report about rhinoceros.